RACE DATE: Saturday May 17th, 2024
LOCATION: 910 E Pierceton Rd, Winona Lake, IN 46590, USA
COURSE LENGTH See Chart/ Divisions
ONLINE CLOSE May 15th 9:00am. You may still register in person.
DIFFICULTY: Hills 2 / Surface: 2 (1=easy, 5=difficult)
The 35th Annual DINO Series season begins at Winona Lake! This fun and flowing circuit of about 10 miles first became a series stop in 2001 and has been a favorite course ever since.
This race is part of the annual Northern Indiana Fat Northern Indiana Fat & Skinny Tire Festival, which includes road bike events, kids events, demos, entertainment, seminars, and much more. Involvement from the community is second to none at Winona Lake, and there are plenty of non-cycling activities for families and friends to see and do.
Camping: Camping is available for free at the race site "Donation to KCV Cycling encouraged", Tent & RV "Ground permitting". There is some RV / trailer camping at the Kosciusko County Fairgrounds. No tent camping is permitted at fairgrounds.
NOTE: This is a "rain or shine" venue. We'll race no matter the weather / trail conditions.

A $5 cash refundable number plate deposit will be required when you check in.
This plate number can be used all season long or returned after each race.
Intro or Junior
"If this is your first Intro race email us or see staff for free entry"
$20 online; $30 day of; $100 for season pass.
Base or Clydesdale
$30 online; $40 day of; $150 for season pass.
$35 online; $45 day of; $175 for season pass.
$40 online; $50 day of; $200 for season pass.
T-shirt: $15 option; FREE with season pass.
Season Pass - Includes 6 Series races, DINO Spring Tune-up, and a free series t-shirt.
2025 Series RAD T-Shirt $15.00
Unisex Tri-blend - 1 FREE Shirt per season pass. The shirt is the same at each race.

RACE AWARDS held at 3:00P.M. @TBA
Registration opens at 8 am and is available through your start time.
Refer to Chart for start times.
DINO Kids Ride (1:30PM) - age 12 & under; very short and easy; free; everyone gets a small prize.

In 2025, the course will go counterclockwise.
The start / finish point is south of & across Pierceton Road from the Miller Athletic Complex.

Race Day Rules
Type: Mountain bikes, cyclo-cross bikes, (or anything in-between) are allowed. Any configuration of drivetrain and suspension is allowed. Motorized assistance is not allowed on the bicycle.
Brakes: The bicycle must have two working hand-operated brakes.
Helmet: Rider must wear a properly fastened helmet, certified by ASTM, Snell, or CPSC for bicycle use.
Shoes / Pedals: Closed shoes must be worn (no sandals). Platform pedals, clip-in pedals, and hybrids are all acceptable.
Gloves and Eye Protection: Gloves and eyewear are strongly suggested, but not required.
Clothing: No restrictions on clothing types. Any rider with clothing clearly offensive or indecent may be disqualified, and asked to leave, at discretion of race staff.
The rider must finish the race on the same bicycle (frame) as he or she started on. Changes of other parts (i.e. tires, wheels, etc.) are allowed, provided assistance rules in section 2.3 are followed.
Headphones / earbuds are not allowed. This is for the courtesy of riders asking to pass, and for your safety at road crossings, etc. Riders may be disqualified for using headphones during the race.
Please review guidebook if you have never raced with us HERE.
Age Groups & Categories
Your age group and start time are determined by your age at the END of the current year. For example, if you will turn 40 in the fall, you will race 40- 49 all season even though you will be only 39 years old.
Intro: First-time racers who are new to the sport can enter Intro. This is the shortest race, usually 5- 8 miles. There are no gender or age group divisions. The top three finishers in Intro are asked to register in Base at their next race. If you have never raced before, you can race Intro for free, just ask at the registration table.
Clydesdale: Riders over 200 lbs weight may enter Clydesdale. It is the same length as Base. There are no age groups or gender divisions.
Junior: The junior category is the shortest and easiest race with awards and series points. Male and Female age groups are 10&under, 11-14, and 15-18. More advanced riders of the Junior age may race in higher levels.
Adults may ride along behind 10&under Juniors for safety purposes.
Adults riding with Juniors must allow the kids to do the racing. Stay behind any groups racing, not in the middle. The purpose is not to be a coach/motivator but a safety patrol.
Base: Base is for casual local competitors. Men’s age groups are: 11-14, 15-18, 19-29, 30-39, 40-49, and 50+. Women’s age groups are: 19-39 and 40+. Similar to USA Cycling Cat3 MTB.
Sport: Sport is for intermediate regional competitors. Men’s age groups are: 11-18, 19-29, 30-39, 40-49, and 50-59, and 60+. Women’s age groups are: 11-18, 19-39 and 40+. Similar to USA Cycling Cat2 MTB.
Expert: Expert is for advanced regional competitors. Men’s age groups are: 15-18, 19-29, 30-39, 40- 49, and 50+. Women compete in an all-ages group. Similar to USA Cycling Cat1 MTB.
Elite: The top racers in Expert may elect to start in the Elite wave for the highest available level of competition. Elite is for men only. Awards are three deep, and Elite riders are not eligible for Expert age group awards. Cash prizes are distributed to the combined Elite/Expert field, by posted finish time.
Qualifying for Elite:
Any rider with a USA Cycling Pro license must start in Elite Wave.
Finish top three overall Sport in any race (current or prior season)
Finish first in your age group in any race (current or prior season)
Special approval by DINO Director. A letter must be submitted to explain your reason.
For more details please refer to the mountain biker series guidebook found HERE.
At each series race there will be a short, FREE DINO MTB Race!
DINO Kids Ride (1:30PM) - age 12 & under; very short and easy; free; everyone gets a small prize.
course is 1/2mile of less and extremally easy. Often a visible open field loop.
(1:45 pm) WINONA 3:00PM.
Intro: Medals to overall top 3
Base, Junior & Clydesdale: Awards to top 3 per age group
Sport: Top 3 per age group.
Expert:. Awards to top 3 per age group. Eligible for cash prizes.
Elite: Awards to top 3 overall. Eligible for cash prizes, combined with Expert for payout.
Cash payout is 90% payback to top 1/4 of combined Expert/Elite fields, based on finish time. <Payout Chart>
Prizes from our sponsors are chosen by random drawing.
SERIES AWARDS: A rider's best 4 finishes out of the 6 DINO Series races will be used to calculate a series point total. Points are based on overall place within the category. 1st place receives 200 points, 2nd - 199, etc. A rider must race at least three races to be eligible for series awards. Any ties at the end of the series are broken by the best finish in the final race. Awards: Exclusive "DINO Champion Jersey".

Refunds and Transfers
No Refunds for ANY of series race/events. No Transfers within 2 weeks prior to the event date.
We will, for any event, transfer your entry to another event of equal or lesser value, if requested prior to the above cutoffs. If transferring to another participant, there will be a $20 service charge.
If a series event is postponed due to weather or conditions, your entry will be automatically transferred to the rescheduled date. You may also apply the entry to a later event in the series; but you must notify us prior to close of registration for the re-scheduled or alternate event, whichever occurs first.
If a series event is canceled, your entry can be applied to another series event of equal or less value. You must notify DINO of your intent, prior to online registration close of the event you select.